var l = {"custom_fields_validation_message":"The field {CAMPO} is required","msg_cambio_historia":"This patient number has other cases linked to it (medical history). If you change the patient number the cases will be unlinked. Are you sure?","suggested_long_left_eye":"in LE","suggested_long_right_eye":"in RE","suggested_long_both_eye":"in OU","suggested_left_eye":"LE","suggested_right_eye":"RE","suggested_both_eye":"OU","suggested_btn_left_eye":"left eye","suggested_btn_right_eye":"right eye","suggested_btn_both_eye":"both eyes","upload_uploading":"Uploading...","upload_processing":"Processing...","upload_completed":"Completed","upload_failed":"Error","case_rejected":"The case has been rejected and will be reviewed by the optician","case_escalated":"The case has been escalated and notified via Telegram","case_pending":"The case has been marked as pending","msg_valoracion_required":"It is necessary to provide a valoration to generate the Report.","msg_mark_as_delivered":"The case is going to be archived. This operation can't be undone.","lopd_num_hist_required":"It is required to enter the patient's medical record. If you don't use a number of this kind, consider using the another patient ID or telephone instead.","lopd_patient_name_required":"It is necessary to provide the patient name to print it in the report","lopd_patient_lastname_required":"It is necessary to provide the patient surname to print it in the report","msg_alert_save_button":"Saving as drat allows you to continue later. If you want the case to be assessed by a retina expert, please press the green button instead.","msg_agudeza_visual":"The visual acuity must be between 0 and 1.","msg_pio":"The intra-ocular pressure must be a value between 0 and 60. Please review the RE IOP.","msg_pio_od":"The intra-ocular pressure must be a value between 0 and 60. Please review the RE IOP.","msg_pio_oi":"The intra-ocular pressure must be a value between 0 and 60. Please review the RE IOP.","msg_esfera_od":"The OD field format is invalid. For example - 1.12 or +12.34.","msg_esfera_oi":"The OI field format is invalid. For example - 1.12 or +12.34.","msg_cilindro_od":"The format of the OD cylinder is not valid. For example -1,12 or +12,34.","msg_cilindro_oi":"The format of the OI cylinder is not valid. For example - 1.12 or +12.34.","msg_confirma_agudeza_cero":"La BCVA it is a required field. If the patient does not see any light, please enter 0.00","msg_vincular_antes_de_solicitar":"It is required to link the images before asking for the report.","msg_confirma_solo_una_imagen":"Only one image have been linked. Are you sure this is correct?","msg_introducir_edad":"It is necessary to provide the patient age","msg_warning1_oftalmologo":"This case was not assigned to you. Are you sure you want to assign it to you and sign this report?","msg_warning2_oftalmologo":"This case is not assigned to you. Are you sure you want to save changes on this case?","msg_warning3_oftalmologo":"Are you sure you want so save changes and reassign this case to the selected doctor?","msg_warning4_oftalmologo":"You can't generate and sign this report because it is assigned to another doctor! in order to do it you can assign it to yourself and then the system will allow you to sign and generate the report.","msg_warning4_confirm":"Assign and generate","msg_finding_too_long":"The entered information is too long or too short and can impact the quality of the report. Please fix the findings length.","msg_comments_too_long":"The entered information is too long or too short and can impact the quality of the report. Please fix the comments length.","msg_advice_too_long":"The entered information is too long or too short and can impact the quality of the report. Please fix the recommendations length.","msg_modal_session_timeout":"The session is about to expire. The case will be automatically saved as draft in 60<\/span> seconds. Press OK to save as draft and return to the list of cases","msg_imaging_duplicate":"This image is identical to a previously linked to the case {caso_id}. Are you sure you want to link this image to this case anyway?","msg_imaging_vincular":"Link","msg_imaging_close":"Do not link","lang_es":"Espa\u00c3\u00b1ol","lang_ca":"Catal\u00e0","lang_en":"English","lang_de":"Deutsch","lang_fr":"French","lang_pt":"Portuguese","msg_link_cases_no_cases":"You can link this case with a previous one, by introducing the same patient number or the previous case ID","msg_link_cases":"{NUM} cases found.
Click to link the cases","msg_link_cases_singular":"1 case found.
Click here to link the cases","msg_link_cases_new":"{NUM} cases found.
Click to link the cases","msg_link_cases_singular_new":"1 case found.
Click here to link the cases","msg_total_pags":"The optometric report will be displayed on {NUM} pages<\/strong>","msg_alert_change_lang":"It seems you are writing in {NEW}<\/strong>.<\/p>

Do you prefer switching to {NEW}<\/strong> instead of {OLD} <\/strong>?","msg_error_maxImage":"The maximum number of images allowed is 16","msg_progresoMsg_upload":"Uploading","msg_progresoMsg_sort":"Analyzing Images...","msg_defaul_dropzone":"Click to attach photos","msg_prev_inform":"Preview","msg_no_image":"There is no image in the report","msg_one_image_left":"Parece que faltan im\u00e1genes del ojo izquierdo","msg_one_image_right":"Parece que faltan im\u00e1genes del ojo derecho","msg_no_retino":"No es posible reconocer ninguna retinograf\u00eda","msg_alert_miode":"Remember that for proper diagnostic orientation, patients who present myodesopsias<\/span>, it is essential to detail in the comments:","msg_alert_miode_1":"The eye<\/strong> where they are presented","msg_alert_miode_2":"The time<\/strong> of evolution","msg_alert_miode_3":"Whether or not to camp for photopsies<\/strong>","msg_alert_diabetes":"Remember that for proper diagnostic orientation, patients suffering from diabetes<\/strong>, it is important to stipulate:","msg_alert_diabetes_1":"If you are diabetic type I \/ II<\/strong>","msg_alert_diabetes_2":"Since when<\/strong> is he diabetic?","msg_alert_diabetes_3":"If you are on medication<\/strong>","msg_alert_diabetes_4":"In addition to the retinographies centered on macula<\/strong> (obligatory), it is advisable to attach the nasal<\/strong> and upper<\/strong> fields","msg_alert_diabetes_5":"Other fields that allow the peripheral<\/strong> retina to be seen may be useful","no_priority_cases_available":"This functionality is not available for your tariff. Choose one of the following plans to be able to send priority reports.","msg_alert_perdida":"Recuerde que para una correcta orientaci\u00f3n diagn\u00f3stica, en los pacientes que presenten p\u00e9rdida de visi\u00f3n<\/span>, es imprescindible que detalle en los comentarios: ","msg_alert_perdida_1":"Whether it's from near<\/strong> or far<\/strong>","msg_sug_1":"ICL Surgery","msg_sug_2":"Crystal surgery","msg_sug_3":"Refractive surgery","msg_sug_4":"Without surgery","msg_possibly_diabetes":"\u00bfEs posible que el paciente sea \"Diabetico\"?","quickui_ttip_nosignature":"It is not allowed to generate a report without a signature.","quickui_ttip_rejected":"It is not allowed to generate a report from a rejected case. Action is required from the optician.","quickui_ttip_escalated":"It is not allowed to generate an escalated report. Action is required from the escalation group.","quickui_ttip_revreq":"It is not possible to generate reports in a case with request for review. This case is waiting for some action by other ophthalmologists of the group.","quickui_ttip_reported":"The current policy does not allow to re-generate the reports that are already reported or archived.","quickui_ttip_notemplate":"No normality templates found! then this button is disabled! please contact with if this is an issue.","quickui_ttip_escalated_retinologo":"The current policy does not allow to re-generate the reports that are already reported or archived.","quickui_agenda_error":"Name and Telephone are mandatory fields","status_chat_retinologo":"Reader hasn't read all the messages. Are you sure?","status_chat_optico":"You have unread messages!","archivar":"Archive","image_delete_confirm":"The image will be deleted. Are you sure?","case_status":{"nuevo":"New","borrador":"Draft","pendiente":"Pending","informado":"Reported","archivado":"Archived","escalado":"Escalated","rechazado":"Rejected","esperando_imagenes":"Awaiting Images"},"modal_template_error_messages":{"language":"Please select the template language","finding":"Review the findings text","comment":"Review the comments text","advice":"Review the recommendations text","tag":"No TAG has been selected for this template ","derivation":"Please specify the appropriate referral urgency"},"modal_template_success":"The template have been saved","default_select_option":"Select","search_by_name_sure":"Searching inside the encrypted name\/surnames will slow down the searches. Are you sure?","do_search_by_name":"Perform Search","cambio_sexo":"Click to change the gender","quickui_minimum_content":"The medical content must be at least 50 characters long in total to ensure the minimum quality of the report delivered to the patient. Thanks ","pio_warning_normal":{"title":"High IOP","message":"Caution: IOP >= 25. Althopugh the case being normal, please add some comment in the report regarding the high IOP"},"auto_normal":{"title":"Automatic Normality","message":"Please try to be more specific, provided the particularities of this patient"},"shared_case":{"title":"Shared case","message":"The case has been shared successfully"},"shared_case_error":{"title":"Error while sharing","message":"En error occurred while sharing the case. Please contact support."},"daterange_apply":"Apply","daterange_cancel":"Reset","daterange_from":"From","daterange_to":"To","daterange_lunes":"Mo","daterange_martes":"Tu","daterange_miercoles":"We","daterange_jueves":"Th","daterange_viernes":"Fr","daterange_sabado":"Sa","daterange_domingo":"Su","daterange_enero":"January","daterange_febrero":"February","daterange_marzo":"March","daterange_abril":"April","daterange_mayo":"May","daterange_junio":"June","daterange_julio":"July","daterange_agosto":"August","daterange_septiembre":"September","daterange_octubre":"October","daterange_noviembre":"November","daterange_diciembre":"December","daterange_hoy":"Today","daterange_ayerhoy":"Last 24 hours","daterange_ayer":"Yesterday","daterange_7dias":"Last 7 days","daterange_30dias":"Last 30 days","daterange_estemes":"This month","daterange_pasadomes":"Last month","customrangelabel":"Custom","daterange_all":"All","introNext":"Got it","introPrev":"previous","introSkip":"skip","introDone":"Got it","stepFiltro":"If you want to filter for a particular stats, now you can do it with this new filter","stepInline":"Now you can edit some information of the case (patient name, patient number, gender and more!) even when the case is reported or archived!","stepMenu":"To make this screen more clean the available actions for each case have been reorganized and simplified. Click here to see them all?","stepWhatsnew":"With this new filter now you can see at a glance the elements that require your attention.","stepDate":"Now you can filter the cases by visit date. Remember you can always use the search engine on the top of the screen to find an old case!","editName":"If the patient name is not correct, now you can change it!","changeOptician":"If your center have multiple users, now you can easily reassign the case to right user.","changeGender":"By clicking this icon, you can change patient information and the patient gender.","trialFinished":"The trail period expired. The option to create new cases is not available. ","payInfo":"Please complete your billing information and start using OPTretina now!","welcome1":"After login the list of cases will be displayed. Here you can search, filter and view your cases. ","welcome2":"By default, this option is enabled and lets you see in yellow all the pending things.","welcome3":"Once the reader have replied, you will see the case status change to reported","welcome4":"To create a new case, press HERE and the system will guide you through the process","show_alert_close":"Close","show_confirm_ok":"Ok","show_confirm_close":"Close","hipaa_password_rules":"The password must meet alt least two out of the following requirements:\n

  • Minimum length of 8 characters<\/li>\n
  • Contain lowercase, uppercase letters and numbers<\/li>\n
  • Contain at least one symbol character: ~!@#$%^*&;?.+_<\/li>\n <\/ul>","msg_delete_case":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea borrar el caso","confirm_delete_case":"S\u00ed, borrar el caso","show_confirm_del_case":"El caso se ha borrado con \u00e9xito","uploadingStatus":{"qr_found":"QR Found","retina_found":"Retina Found","completed":"Completed","uploading":"Uploading","waiting":"Waiting","scanning":"Scanning QRs","scanning_retinas":"Scanning Images","queued":"Queued"},"qrAssist":{"resolved_case_title":"Resolved Case!","resolved_case_message":"The {CASE} has been resolved.","dispatcher_assist_errors":{"no_patient":"Please select a Patient","fill_form":"Please, fill in the patient name","signature":"Patient consent signature is mandatory","valid_email":"Please, enter a valid e-mail address"}},"casesList":{"notification_toggle_all":"All elements are displayed","notification_toggle_pending":"Only the pending elements are being displayed","no_available_free_cases":"You have already used your free reports or your trial period is over. Choose one of the following plans to be able to send more reports."},"createCases":{"consultation_reason":"Patient attends for a screening of retinal pathologies. Given the nature of the event, no additional information or clinical history is reported."}};